Here I show how to make the Power stage of an homemade inverter. I'm using the following,
- Old UPS transformer
- 2x Alluminium Heatsink
- 2x N-MOSFET (IRF540N, P55NF06, B150NF55 etc)
- Screws, spade terminals, wires, etc
First we need to place the MOSFETs in the heatsinks in appropriate place so that the heat tab i.e, metal part of the MOSFET body is as close to the mid area of the heatsink. This way more heat will be dissipated by the heatsink.
Now we look at the transformer salvaged from a Microtek UPS. This has a lots of pins for different voltage outputs in one side and 3 input lines for 7.2V--0V--7.2V.
Now we attach the spade type connectors to the primary wires by using a pliers.
The pro of using spade type connector w.r.t using ring connectors is that we can easily mount/unmount them by loosening and tightening the screw, without completely unscrewing them.
We insert the terminals of both 7.2V lines to the heatsinks of the MOSFTEs in the same screws.
Now we connect the battery negative connector to both MOSFET's 3rd pin.
Now we take a 3pin connector and connect the middle pin with the negative line , and connect the rest two wires to the 1'st pins of the MOSFETs i.e, the GATE terminal.
Now this is ready to be connected to a battery and the connector can be connected to an inverter oscillator board like 74LS112 Inverter Oscillator.
Hi Arup,
i have connected 1k Ohm resistor gate to source at each fet but i have no output AC voltage on primary side of transformer. How much voltage should my dmm read from the output signal of driving circuit.
Hi Arup,
I finaly made it, but it works for a minutes then it burn the transistors across drain and source. What i suppose to do to protect the fets to burn, i tried it without load at AC side will it be a reason? please Arup i need your assistance answer me.
See, i did 7 test and all the time transistors are burnt, i lost 14 transistors and 4 4047ICs please i need to stop buying this expensive transistor IRFP054N at my country (3$@ x 14pc).
I know this is not a circuit but a picture of a complete board, but I ask you to compare this to your setup because the above linked board works well with 4047+IRFP540N (your IRFP054N isn't much different).
Okey Arup,
i am looking for IRFP540N but i could not find it what i find is IRF540N. Did you mean IRF540n or IRFP540N.
Hi Arup,
I finally made it work with IRFP540N, but it works for a minute then heat sink get very very hot and transistors blow and CD4047 IC get dies also. i tried to changed the heat sink to bigger and wider one but story is the some. How can i control the temperature of the transistors as it to works.
I will bother until it get work but i need your help according to your experience.
Sorry for confusion. IRF540N is the right part number.
One advice: test the setup always with drained battery so that if anything goes wrong, MOSFETs will heat up but will not explode.
hi arup thanks....
is their any other ic which i can use inplace of LT1073-12
Hi Arup,
How do i make my output voltage to be stable on my square wave inverter.
Use SG3524/SG3525 based oscillators which accept feedback from output to adjust PWM and thus making right voltage output.
Super content friend ..
Can I replace that NL74SL112 with SG3524/25
SG3524/25 requires different external circuit and is not a substitute to NL74LS112.
How do I get a diagram of protection and low ba3 cut off to protect de inverter from overload
Will be published soon.
hi Arup how r u ? i m new here i also interested about electronic. i want build a 1000watt inverter
i have 20 mosfet (IRF3710) i know how to make a power stage but i don't know about driver please advice me how to build driver for 1000watt. another question can i run the inverter without driver? i think if i connect (gate pin on fets) to battery negative side by 10k Ohm Resistors its work? please reply me. thanks ( sorry for bad English)
Driver doesn't relate to the wattage. You can use the same driver for 100watts and also 1000watts.
No that won't work.
thanks a loooooot for reply. can i run the projact without driver? or i shoud use driver? can u send me a diagrams 1000 to 3000 watts (full) please please please...
It won't work without driver.
There is a 3000W inverter here:
hello sir can i use the IC4047, IC4060, IC4049, IC4047N for fets driver. and which mosfet r best for 3000 watt inverter (exmp IRF260N, IRF3205) please informe me thanks
I already showed you above.
You explaned in very simple way.....thanks for your info.......
Hi Arup,
Is it possible to do a 12DC/220AC inverter with an old UPS transformer(2x7,2volts - 220volts) and a ca3524 PWM oscillator ?
Yes, it should be a good choice as you'll have much control over output voltage as input voltage of the transformer is low.
i am a diploma student i am interested in electronics and have some basic knowledge i would like to make an inverter i have an old umax 600va ups please guide me to identify the wires it has 3 wires in the primary and 7 wires in the secondary and the input voltage
3wires in primary are for 7.5-0-7.5
7 wires in secondary are for 0-160-180-200-220-240-260
(rough estimate)
the board is damaged and i have given to one shop they said that mosfet is gone and they have soldered one diode in place of the mosfet and said that it is not availiabe in the market can i replace it with some other and make it working
Replacing MOSFET with diode in reverse will make the UPS charge your battery, but Inverter won't function. What MOSFTE it had? (part number please).
this happened 2 years ago and at time i had only a little knowledge so i dont know part no of mosfet but some other ics used are SG3524N, LM393P, CD4013E, LM339N two nos, and 317AT
and i think as u said their is some print on the connection of the transformer secondary connection on the board 160 red 250 grey 220 brown 190 orange N black and two greys are left blank.....
will u please provide me with diagram of a 250watt inverter ciruit for this ups transformer
and if i connect it with a 20AH battery what will be the back up time when i connect 2X40W tubelight and a 20w CFL
If you still have the circuit, I'd recommend installing two N-MOSFETs like the one I used here above. Your UPS may work again.
thanks Arup i will buy and will reply with the results .... will any other components will be damaged when the mosfet had blown off.
if there were any tutorial for repairing smps it will be very helpful