TDA2030A or TDA2030 is a well used class AB audio amplifier IC. TDA2030A amplifier circuit is mostly used in nowadays home theatre systems for it’s some good features.
- Small size IC(package PENTAWATT V, almost size of regular TO220)
- Maximum voltage range (upto 44Volts Vs MAx)
- Very low harmonic and cross-over distortion
- Suited for more reliable applications without regulated supply
- Up to 35 Watts RMS driver output
- Thermal shutdown protection
TDA2030A Amplifier Circuit diagram
This amplifier circuit require less external components too, making it easier for a beginner to make this on Veroboard or Perf Board.
The original circuit I got from it’s datasheet. A little modified circuit below,
Power supply for TDA2030A amplifier circuit
This can be operated with single supply line, but that topology gives less output power, hence this bi-voltage topology is used everywhere.
We need to provide +/- 12V to it. We can easily get +12V and -12V from a 12-0-12 CT step down transformer.
As this IC doesn’t require regulated supply, we can feed voltage directly to the TDA2030 amplifier from a rectifier with just a capacitor.
The filter capacitor is usually 1000 uF to 2200 uF, we can use even bigger capacitor for better results.
Well, the IC costs around 25 rupees, and together with all other materials as PCB, other parts the cost of final board doesn’t exceed 70-75 rupees.
Please take a look at the datasheet.
how many watt of this ic
Hi Arup,
I appreciate the work you are doing. I am also interested in electronics. I have a mini amp same board 6283. The problem is that the 12V transformer was not working and now i have a new one to replace it. i know the a/c but not sure about the secondary wiring to connect with. can you just tell where should connect the secondary wires of transformer. That would be a much help...thnx
Connect the secondary wires of the transformer to the input of bridge rectifier of the circuit board. You'll see 4 diodes in there and just Google for bridge rectifier pin details and you'll know which are the input pins.
Hi Arup,
I had worked on this circuit an year back, and succeeded in producing amplification from it as well, but I am getting a distorted sound output (clipping) from the circuit. Is there any way to remove this clipping of the amplifier. It does not seem to be a power issue, as I have used a PC PSU's 12V power supply for powering it up, and I had even tried to use a custom built battery eliminator, and even operated it with a 12V SLA battery that was fully charged.
Did you checked the capacitors? Replace the faulty ones and also add heatsink to the IC if it's heating.
arup please help me to make home theatre or speaker for my pc,if you have working circuit then plz send me circuit diagram for this speaker as soon as possible
if u have curcuit diagram then plz send me on this email address
Hi Arup,
Like you I too am a electronic hobbyist from the age of 12.
I desoldered a tda2030a ic from an old circuit. I want to use it in my future projects. I don't know it is working or not. Can you suggest me a way to test it?
You need to build the test circuit as in the datasheet:
arup i wants to make my own hometheater for a thundaring sound.
Would u help me for dis purpose.
My id is kuntalkarmakar08@gmail.Com
plz plz plz reply.
please send me a circuit of home theatre subwofer filter circuit which I can use la 4440 ic and tda 2030 amplifier, both the circuit. Please help me Arup or suggest me something else.
hey arup please help me abt how to reduce heavy distortion which im getting in output audio signal usually in the satellite speakers of intex 4.1 home theatre.... 17 and very much interested in electronics.could please send me a subwoofer circuit using TDA2030 and tl074 on
Hi Arup. Need to built a 200w subwoofer using 3ics tda 2030a. Send me a schematic diagram on how to go about it. Plz. Reply to my email. Plzzz
TDA2030a can't deliver 200 watt RMS even it's configured as bridge amplifier.
You need to use several power transistors in bridge mode to achieve that.
And in that case you need a power supply of dual polarity, +35V and -35V and ground.
Woofer 2.1 intex audio very low problem sulation
Hi Gurmeet, there could be many reason from this problem, I'll suggest you to check volume control knob first, they fails easily.
Then check the power supply.
Need which type & no. of uf and the capacitors' volt power to be supply by 12-0-12 transformer in 3 no. Of tda2030a. Thnx!
Hi Sursanta, I can't understand your question, which capacitors you're talking about ?
when the overheats, its starts hamming. majorly the bass, how can u overcome the effect. my email
hi i am having 2030 4.1 kit and i have used 12-0-12 ,5 amp transformer . is it good or not or should i use 2 amp transformer for it ?
You can use a 2 amp transformer, but also add a large 3300uF filter capacitor.