TDA2003 is a robust automotive grade audio amplifier IC. It supports up to 28 volts of operating voltage and can withstand input voltage fluctuation of 40 volts. A TDA2003 amplifier circuit is very easy to make. It's powerful enough to provide up to 10 watt RMS power easily.
TDA2003 is manufactured by many different companies but they're almost same internally.
You may find TDA2003A, which is the improved version, manufactured by STMicroelectronics.
TDA2003 amplifier circuit diagram
There are several audio amplifier design based on TDA2003, you can modify your design a little.
The circuit below is my favorite.
These parts are not absolute, you can easily replace a component with it's suitable substitute.
I'm using the 100nF polyester film capacitor to minimize the electrolytic capacitor's ESR.
You may want to use an effective volume and and bass-treble control circuit before the audio input.
TDA2003 amplifier circuit Part list
Let's have a look at the part list, though I've mentioned value of each component in the circuit diagram before.
- TDA2003 audio amplifier IC x1
- 1000uF, 25V capacitor x1
- 200uF, 25V capacitor x1
- 10uF, 10V capacitor x1
- 100nF polyester film capacitor x1
- 2.2Ohm resistor x1
- 220Ohm resistor x1
- Strip board/Vero board x1
These components are just for making the tda2003 amplifier circuit board. You're going to need a power supply, connecting wires and other tools too.
Constructing the amplifier board
Making the amplifier board is rather easy, as it needs fewer components. A piece of strip board is enough to make it sturdy.
A picture below, how I made one.
You've to make sure that the power input and audio output wires are thick enough to carry sufficient power.
Also don't forget to mount the TDA2003 IC on a heatsink with a bit of thermal compound. Use the largest heatsink you can.
Power supply: You can use a power supply between 12 volts to 24 volts, capable of supplying up to 2 Ampere. This amplifier is somewhat immune to input power noise or ripple. But you should always use a power source with lowest possible ripple to maintain audio quality.
Future improvements
The TDA2003 datasheet mentions that it can normally dissipate 20 watts of power. The datasheet also mentions that it can run from a 24 volt power supply. It also can continuously supply 3.5 amps to the load.
So why not improve it to get 20 watts out of it ?
I think it's just the matter of using a bigger capacitor at the audio output, a bigger heatsink and a suitable power supply.
TDA2003 is a single channel amplifier IC, I'm planning to build a stereo amplifier like 6283 amplifier circuit in future with two TDA2003 IC.
What are your thoughts ? Let me know through the comments.
Hi arnab,
i need a book or tutorial site where can learn how to wire 5.1 audio amplifier. i know do wiring but the problem is sometime it produces ground loop hum. and i dont know how to match the amplifier with woofer resistance. please i need ur help in this problem
From my little experience in this field, I can say always use thick cables, atleast 14 AWG for more than 5' cable running.
I think you don't need to match woofer and amplifier impedance, to eliminate hum.
The problem is on the power supply of the amplifier, connect the ground plane(negetive) of the amplifier to earthing wire, and lift up the long wires from ground.
Thanks arnab i ve tried it and problem got resolved . Thanks for ur valuable reply
Coile cable
Send me tda2003 simple amplifier circuit diagram
It's on the writing above, please check.
01) Can I use 8ohms speaker for the above circuit?
02) can I use 3w or 05w speakers?
You can use a 8 Ohm speaker, it should be at least 4 watt.
If you want to use 0.5W or 3W speaker with this TDA2003 amplifier circuit, then replace the 1000uF capacitor with 220uF.
Can I put instead 10uf 10v to put 10uf 35v?
Yes, you can.
Hi,i want to design a 5.1 sub woofer amplifier. i am thinking about making each mono amp for each channel. For that i need the best mono amp below 20w. And it has to be 4ohm one. Is TDA2030 an ideal for that ?
Yes, you can use TDA2030 or TDA2003, both of packs enough power for your purpose.
How to reduce distortion/Clipping of audio when volume is turned to maximum in Tda2003 ?
Hello how i can boost on 20w this amplifier ???
Then you've to use TDA2003 in bridge mode.
instead of using TDA2003 is there any other ways i can modify/connect wires or smthg of that sght to replace the TDA2003..can i have a picture please of how power gets in and out of the TDA2003 in the 5 pins..
my sound is not clear on this amplifier because when I release music and the bass moves, something is shaking, otherwise my speaker works
how to fix it, tell me the whole correct seed
it is a best amplifier I like it
I made this amplifier according to the datasheet but when I turn the volume to maximum, there's distortion in sound. I'm using 18 Volts supply and 4 ohms load. How to prevent distortion/Clipping even if volume is turned to maximum ?
Hello, you didn't set the gain of the IC, will it be loud?