This is the simplest DIY low pass filter for subwoofer using uA741 single op-amp ic. The circuit performs really well compared to it's price. The cut off frequency of this circuit is 25Hz to 80Hz maximum.
Using this circuit , you can easily design a 2.1 Subwoofer and Speaker System at your home.
The circuit is commerially available in market, contains very few components. You can easily make one by following the instructions in this tutorial.
Subwoofer low pass filter schematic
The same circuit is working in my own hand made sub-woofer system. So Try this.
Parts List
Below the part list of the diy low pass filter for subwoofer.
- R1,R3,R4 = 10K 1/4W
- R2=100K 1/4W
- CY1,CY2 = 0.22uF Polyester
- C1,C2 = 10uF/25V Electrolytic
- IC1 = uA741A Single Op-Amp Ic + 8 Pin Ic Socket
- 3 Pin Male & Female Connector x 2
- 2 Pin Male & Female Connector x 1
- PCB as in required size 4.5 cm x 3.4 cm
that is fine
what about the high pass filter,rear filter and center filter
thanx a lot for the circuit
hoping for the next
But the bass range comprises of frequencies upto 200 Hz.So what about the freq above 80 Hz
Correct, your confusing a base speaker and a sub speaker. Subs are designed with their own powered amps 5-80, I like mine at 30. so it only gives you the chest punches tones. next comes your base speaker, middle, then tweeter.
Mr. Shikhir is absolutely right, bass range is upto 200 Hz. So is there any possible modification in the circuit??
Firstly you all have to try to make on breadboard, then ask me ....Thanks for comments
hi sir good morning I am P.Kishor kumra From new delhi sir i want make one beast woofer circuit at my home but i need Ur help i hope you are see my request. plz sir hlpe
Actually i am stand in kendirya Vidayalay INA colony school. i am very interest to make theis type things thay way i need ur help.
What help do you need?
i want to assemble and combine the amplifiers of la 4440 and ua 741 of your circuit. what will be the speaker specification. subwoofer and the speaker also can we add tweeter
please can you give single supply lowpass filter circuit. Thank you.
i want a help that how to connect this ckt to audio amplifier ckt, becoz i have an audio amp of double ICs of much range(max. & min.) of voltage can i give it. where it will connect before amp or after amp.
Assemble this circuit on Breadboard or VeroBoard (as you required), Feed the power from Dual Power supply. Connect the input wire of this circuit (L GND R) to your source of sound equipment like PC, Laptop, Mobile, iPod, Television etc. Connect the audio input of your TDA2005 (as mentioned) amplifier to the output of this circuit.
Thanks for this circuit. works great exept that its only secont order and i need something close to fourth order to compleatly filter hi tones. Btw best subwoofer filter is just from 20hz to 85 hz. Sry but 200hz sounded funny...
what the lick between the two circuits? for what purpose there is a circuit at the top ?
what about the small circuit in the top of the diagram ?
where i want to connect it.?
What about the small circuit on the top of the diagram.
where i want to connect it ?
Please reply me
Its not working....
sir reply me fast
sir reply me very soon
good one
How much is the gain of this preamp?I build this and its works but seems the volume is low.How can i increase the volume of my subwoofer?