Here I show how to make the Power stage of an homemade inverter. I'm using the following,
- Old UPS transformer
- 2x Alluminium Heatsink
- 2x N-MOSFET (IRF540N, P55NF06, B150NF55 etc)
- Screws, spade terminals, wires, etc
First we need to place the MOSFETs in the heatsinks in appropriate place so that the heat tab i.e, metal part of the MOSFET body is as close to the mid area of the heatsink. This way more heat will be dissipated by the heatsink.
Now we look at the transformer salvaged from a Microtek UPS. This has a lots of pins for different voltage outputs in one side and 3 input lines for 7.2V--0V--7.2V.
Now we attach the spade type connectors to the primary wires by using a pliers.
The pro of using spade type connector w.r.t using ring connectors is that we can easily mount/unmount them by loosening and tightening the screw, without completely unscrewing them.
We insert the terminals of both 7.2V lines to the heatsinks of the MOSFTEs in the same screws.
Now we connect the battery negative connector to both MOSFET's 3rd pin.
Now we take a 3pin connector and connect the middle pin with the negative line , and connect the rest two wires to the 1'st pins of the MOSFETs i.e, the GATE terminal.
Now this is ready to be connected to a battery and the connector can be connected to an inverter oscillator board like 74LS112 Inverter Oscillator.
hi arup i have placed 4 mosfets IRF540 but the buzzer keeps on beeping when connected to battery and when connected to mains works as normal but no backup what will be the problem
Check the resistors that bring switching signal to the mosfet's gate terminal. They maybe blown. Usually they are 100E ones. Replace them if they are damaged.
i have replaced it but still the same thing happens
Can you check if the SG3524N is outputting pulses correctly using any oscilloscope (even soundcard oscilloscope or osciprime)
Hi Arup!!
I would like to have regular interaction with you regarding hobby electronics.
with regards
i have a v guard 600 va ups can i replace its battery with a 65 AH battery and use it as an inverter
Inverter mode will work as normal. But you need an external charger to charge the battery if the used UPS is a computer UPS that have small 7Ah battery inside and it's transformer doesn't output much current to charge a big battery.
will u provide me with an external charging circuit what about the transformer 15V 5amp will be enough can i use my ups transformer by connecting it to 220v and take 15v from its input
Charging 65Ah at C/10 rate (*usual rate) will need 6.5Amps source, however 5Amps can charge it at C/14 rate which should be no problem.
No problem if UPS tries to charge battery in normal mode when it sees battery is not full. That will not affect the mode of operation.
there should be means to avoid charging of battery from ups when in normal mode
hai Anup
i want full circuit diagram in 40watts investor .
hi arup,i have heard that ferrite transformer will not work with 50khz frequency ,it required higer frequency,but the applicances will work in 50khz ,will you plz say the concept of it
I haven't heard of anything like 50KHz barrier.
Maybe rumors.
Hi there......Can you plz explain whereis the middle terminal of transformer (i.e center tap) connected???...............plz reply me ....thank you
Hi Arup i like your electronic design, and i like to be like you. is this npn mosfet transistor please i need to know
Hi Mr.Arup!
Am brattsun from tamil nadu. here the govt makes power break 10 hours/day. So i need to tackle that..please help me to make good inverter that can able to run fan and single tube light..I have some knowledge about electronics and am final year student in Batchelor of engineering in department of ECE..I hope you will reply to my mail as soon as possible.
Thank you..
Hi Arup,
I have 2 of 1000 VA UPS(12v x2), i would like to use one of the ups for long backup, connected 2 lead acid 100 Amp battery (full charged 13.5 V) but every 10 minutes ups automatically off, need to restart again.
would you pls advice me that what should i have to do with this ups for long backup while main is off ?
Hi Arup,
I have 2 of 1000 VA UPS(12v x2), i would like to use one of the ups for long backup, connected 2 lead acid 100 Amp battery (full charged 13.5 V) but every 10 minutes ups automatically off, need to restart again.
Would you pls advice me that what should i have to do with this ups for long backup while main is off?
nice project i hope it will work properly i have also made simple inverter you can see
Hai Arup, will u tell me how I can use a ups transformer as a 220v Ac to 12 dc of 5 amps..? I need some guidance
Hi, Arup Sir,
I have Microtek 600VA UPS in the connections are same as you have explained above. But the problem I am facing is that the Battery is not charging. My Old 12V/7Amp battery Damaged thats why I purchased a new Battery. I removed the two terminals which are connected to battery, applied AC supply to the mains of UPS & measured voltage across that two terminals = 9.4V.. Whether it is OK..? or it must more than 12V.
may I know how this battery automatically charged when we use UPS.?