This is PCB update time. Few days ago I shared two projects made on veroboard. In these days, I have developed PCBs for those.
I have used free version of Cadsoft Eagle to create these layouts, and you are free to download these and use for making your projects. For those who want to know circuit details, click the links above to get details.
Back side of the finished PCB.

I didn’t had a good LCD. I also used higher value resistors for better Amperes resolution.
The USB AVR programmer I'd used in this project.
Front of the USB AVR programmer below.
I used USB mini connector, also as there was enough PCB space in the rectangular cut, I’ve installed a self status LED. This LED glows only when the device initialized USB properly. I also soldered two 22pf (1206) capacitors from crystal pins to ground as recommended by experts.
Eagle files (.sch and .brd)
hi sir,i install the
eagal softwere ,i wanted to know that how can you draw the ic pin soldaring point because my eagal softwere did not avaleble this type of ic or other componants soldaring point ,
please ansure me....
Head to, there are many guides for you.
i want to abut electronic spear insufficient in our town can u send me circuit digram and other equepement ? NEW DESIGN CICURTI SEND TO ME BY MAIL ID
Hi my friend.
Please woul you like to send me hex file from: Voltmeter Ampermeter based on ATMEGA8.
Best Regards
Congratulations for your nice project! I want to build this Meter for my personal use.
Pls. could you send me PCB art work including Hex file?
Thank you very much,
Hi! Arup.
Please does HEX file is same whit this version of VM-AM.
Or do I have to use another one?
Best regards
Hi Arup!
I am here on time again.
Please I have made this VM-AM, but on the LCD I do not have any like to another persons. My friend Arup right now I can not find more yours HEX
file. My question again is same like before few weeks ago.
Where I will find HEX file from this project.
I hope that you will find few minutes time to answer me.
Best Regards