This is a simple use of internal ADC of AVR atmega8. Voltage is measured directly with help of resistor divider and amperes is calculated based on the voltage drop in a low resistance power resistor.
There are currently three revisions of the project.
- Atmega8 based Voltmeter Ammeter for solar application
- PCB update: Atmega8 Volt-Ammeter and USB AVR programmer
- Atmega8 based Voltmeter Ampmeter v2
All the three revisions of the project is licensed under the following license.
These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

You are free to work with the project and make or modify it. But no commercial use of this allowed without written permission. If you adopt this project and make a derivative of this project, you should give proper credit to this project and publish your work in a similar way.
UPDATE: Work in progress for the above mentioned version.
This will include,
- PCB size same as the LCD size.
- A Op-Amp for current sense amplification: Lower voltage drop.
- Better software stability.
- All passives like resistors, and capacitors will be SMD.
- No manual potentiometer. Software will be self fine-tunable when necessary.
Current Status: v3 PCB came in but a major designing fault prevented the production.