There are some power saver devices shown in TV advertisements that they can save electricity bills.
But, does they really cut down electricity bills as advertised? Does they really cut down bills by 50%?
How they can save bills and how much ?
They merges the cosine spikes in electrical waveform resulting in less spike height, so they can save bills a bit. They are simply plugged into wall plug and they do that by help of a capacitor. There are some indicator lights in the device which does nothing but just shows power ok. It can save power around 10% actually.
Which appliances power consumption it can make low?
Only inductive loads produce cosine waves and it can be useful in cases of electric heaters, air conditioners, electrical motors, induction cookers, etc.
How to make it?
To make power saver circuit, you just need a capacitor of 5-10µF of 220V or 440V according to your area grid voltage is 110V or 220V.
For this, I’d recommend buying the oil based capacitors that are used in ceiling fans. They are just 2.5µF, so you need to parallel 2 to 4 capacitors. After that, just connect them into plug and see it works.
You can also use any other oil filled capasitors, like used in water pumps, to make power saver circuit.
Just choose the one with correct voltage rating and make sure they're non-polar capacitors.
Bottomline: If you run AC, refrigerator, electric water pump, etc then connect a capacitor at the same plug to save some bill.
Good reading: Thanks Prakash!
sir u have described solar ckt in whichwe use solar energy to light. a led sir is it possible to connect a inverter to battery to convert dc to ac and then step up transformer to step it up to 220v and connect our home aplliance load to it
Yes. Possible.
gurudev can you plz give me the ckt diagram of solar inverter?
There's no difference between an ordinary inverter and a solar inverter.
Yeah this is the thing..or the main working principle of inverters...
Mr. Arup
I have 220-240VAC--1KW Electricity meter installaed at my home and want to use only one capacitor instead of using 2-3 2.5F ceiling fan Capacitor.Recommend value of Capacitor.
I guess it would be 10?F i right?
Dear Arup,
Once again I have something to say...:-)
1) There are 30 comments in this page, so many people read your articles, but it is amazing that nobody has noticed that you have mentioned the values of the capacitor as 5-10 F! Please get your fundamentals clear, F means Farad, whereas it should be uF or Micro Farad. 1000uF makes 1MF or Milli Farad, and 1000 milli farads make one Farad! So 1 Farad equals 1,000,000 uF.
2) Secondly, cutting down spikes and smoothing cosine waves have nothing to do with power factor correction. It is a complex subject, basically dealing with reactive power and resistive power in any circuit. A capacitor basically helps to neutralize the phase lag between the voltage and the current in any reactive load to, thus reducing the actual power registered by the power meter. Consider a child on a swing. If you push them when they are going backwards you will actually slow them down. In order to push with maximum efficiency, the motion of the swing and your push must be “in phase”. Similarly in electricity, voltage and current must be in phase for optimum performance. Equipment such as motors, ballasts and variable speed drives tend to move voltage and current out of phase with each other.
Fast note:
I've used meu-F and not uF in the article. If the correct unicode font is missing from your system, you'll see either a Box sign or ? mark in the places where meu was used.
EDIT after 3 mins: I've changed the font family and now you should be able to see the µ sign under Windows.
I don't know what I am missing, but unfortunately there was neither a box sign nor a ? mark, just the letter F. Anyway, its good that you have changed the font, that shall clear a lot of doubts in the minds of newbies.
But Arup, you didn't comment on my second point? I hope I have cleared some fundamentals regarding power factor?
Regarding the second point, I have no much knowledge about those deep physics, the harmonics of voltage and current upon loads of different kinds.
But I do know that there's just a Rs. 20-50/- capacitor inside the power saver products that teleshops sell in thousands to loot customers.
dear Arup
can i connect 10 mfd capacitor in my mains electric supply of my house or I have to increase the value of the same.
reply soon
thanks arupda but I forget to mention that we have 3 ac installed. 10 mfd is enough.
thanks and regards.
Single 10µF should be enough.
am using single phase for my house.
220V OR 440V ?
HI Arup. why my capacitor makes an audible sound? it makes me nervous so i unplug it to the outlet..
Don't worry. Buy good brand capacitors which comes in aluminum body.
sir plz tell me
the chip with blck dot used in door bell to store ringing sound is called chip on board or not am i true or not?
sir plz answer my question that what is that chip called which is used in door bell to store any song which door bell plays
basically my question is wht is that chip called?
Any IC that is embedded into PCB is called COB or chip-on-board.
Hi Arup,
Good to see number of comments on your post. I have 3 quiries. Please answer it.
1)My house electric meter is of 5 KV - 220V, which capacitor should i use.
2)How much % it will effect the electricity bill.
3)What will happen if we install high power capacitor.
Try yourself.
One more question.. can power relay of 10 amp helps in slowing the power meter?
No. Never.
sir if i direcectly connect two pins in plug the capacitor can burst
nd sir if i connect 15uf is it going to harm equipment?
i ask u this i hav 15uf single capacitor i dont jhamela of connecting2uf capacitor in parallel
Just connect.
sir arup i have an internet shop. i need a power saver it because of big power billing in my counry.. can you help me to reduce my me electric bill.
hope so give my attention to solve it...
thanks arup....
sir i want to ask i haveto connect the two pins of capacitor as i connect the plug of a electrical aplliance in the supply
Sir please send me a circuit diagram of 4.1 home theater in my email
I understand that the ceiling fan capacitor some is moulted with plastic, can we use this type. Let say only one 3 pin socket is available in the appliance is it that we have to fix another 3 pin socket next to it. Thanks and hope to hear from you.
Yes, you can do that.
Thanks sir.
what if i installed 20-40 microfarad 440v and plug it? does it make any difference?
Why don't you just try yourself and let us know?
Don't do it...High MFD may increase Line voltage....!above specific value capacitor is useless in PF Correction....10 MFD/250v is O.K for upto a 2000w Inductive load.