There are some power saver devices shown in TV advertisements that they can save electricity bills.
But, does they really cut down electricity bills as advertised? Does they really cut down bills by 50%?
How they can save bills and how much ?
They merges the cosine spikes in electrical waveform resulting in less spike height, so they can save bills a bit. They are simply plugged into wall plug and they do that by help of a capacitor. There are some indicator lights in the device which does nothing but just shows power ok. It can save power around 10% actually.
Which appliances power consumption it can make low?
Only inductive loads produce cosine waves and it can be useful in cases of electric heaters, air conditioners, electrical motors, induction cookers, etc.
How to make it?
To make power saver circuit, you just need a capacitor of 5-10µF of 220V or 440V according to your area grid voltage is 110V or 220V.
For this, I’d recommend buying the oil based capacitors that are used in ceiling fans. They are just 2.5µF, so you need to parallel 2 to 4 capacitors. After that, just connect them into plug and see it works.
You can also use any other oil filled capasitors, like used in water pumps, to make power saver circuit.
Just choose the one with correct voltage rating and make sure they're non-polar capacitors.
Bottomline: If you run AC, refrigerator, electric water pump, etc then connect a capacitor at the same plug to save some bill.
Good reading: Thanks Prakash!
clearly show the whole diagram, how to connect it?
Dear Arup,
What is the value of the resistance connected in parrallel to the capacitor? Also please mention the value of resistance that need to be connected in series with the LED to give indication of power.
An early reply is requested.
Pls send the Power saver circuit to cut down electricity bills - whole diagram, how to connect it?
Directly insert two pins of the capacitor to your wall plug.
Mr. Arup it is wonderful, but i need more details on it, suppose, shall i connect 2 lead to two end of only phase just after the MCB, or on the both phase and neutral, or anywhere else in the board in both phase and neutral ??? please let me know.
Just plus the two wires to the mains socket. One to neutral, one to phase.
please teach me how to connect in singal phase
Connect to Phase and Neutral.
Hi arup, can we connect this to any switch board in home?
Yes. But connect in same switch board where the target device (fridge, etc) is connected.
i think capacitor can burst
if i m wrong
sir kindly explain me
Fridge diagram merco bana ke do na
If we increase no. of capacitors in parallel the how it saves the electricity? i think it consumes more!!
Adding capacitors only makes the current waveform smoother thus eliminating spikes in current graph so that meters catch a lower point as the average current load.
as u said i made a circuit using the oil based electrolyte capasitor of 10 uf /440v and connect the mov 14D471K in parallel with the capacitor?
can it work as pfc or power saver? is the value is higher so will it harm or dameges the equipment????
MOV not needed.
You can use it, dont tension.
is this effective to air condition unit? by how many % of electric bill can we save out this? i mean by how many % of electric consumption we can save out of this
This is effective if your air conditioner is consuming power roughly. The actual % would depend on how much bad power spikes the unit makes.
if I add 3 pcs capacitor does it interfere with any other electric equipment?
There is very less chance that it will cause any problems.
im an idiot when it comes to this, but let me just ask this straight... so you are telling us that we should just make a parallel circuit out of those capacitors then just plug their terminals right into the socket??? wouldn't this explode???
Yeah. But it won't explode. Just like we use DC capacitors to remove ripples from DC line from rectifier, the same way this works.
where to buy it?
Electrical shop.
i need a circuit diagram for power save energy . Can you help me
I need to a easy power saver circuit.
Hi, can you give me a complete circuit diagram of energy saving device and its component list.
guruji(arup) i want to ask that i have to connect capacitor in series with neutral and other capacitor with phasee and then to the appliance or connect the same cappacitor's one end to neutrall and other ends to phasre
guruji plz relpy as soon as possible
Just plug in the capacitor in wall plug.
good logic
Dear sir,
Kindly send me the circuit diagram of the device