There are these types of mosquito killer racket are easily available in market at some 150 rupees.
This consist an electric fence in the bat portion which has 5000-10,000 volts passing through them. This is not only mosquito repellent, it’s insect zapper. When a mosquito gets in contact the high voltage burns it. The inner circuit consists of battery, a charging unit, and a HV inverter circuit, which I’m going to describe here.
Coil turns will be as described in text and not the one indicated in this tmage.
The circuit consists of a flyback topology transformer driven by a general NPN transistor 2SD965. The feedback coil of transformer is of 10 turns, the primary is of 40 turns and the output or secondary coil is of 450 turns. When this circuit is run by 3Volts, the transformer generates about 2000-4000 volts at zero load, and the output is then coupled 3 times by using 3 IN4007 diodes and suitable capacitors, thus reaching our need of 5000-10,000 volts.
Note: All diodes used in circuit are IN4007 diode, The transistor is 2SD965, and can’t be replaced by BC548, The transformer should be ferrite core.
Below an actual circuit board found in mosquito zapper rackets.
how to fabricate ferrite core transformer with the 28swg and 36 swg or is it available readymade in electronic shop
It maybe available in the shop near you. If not, you need to wind it manually.
dear sir,
i want use the mosquito bat circuit for to operate led lights with same 2 aa batteies with high illumation how i modify it
You should use a DC-DC boost converter and not this bat for lighting LED at high brightness.
what should be the size of the transformer...............
Hi Arup!
Thank you for the information you have provided. But i do have a small query!
Have you personally checked the output voltage? How is it possible for such a small transformer to produce such a huge voltage?
Also, what is the short circuit current at the fence?
Thank you!
I have these type one but now it doesnt work can say its any main can we identify the transformer,diode or battery is not working plzz reply me sir......
Hi Arup. thanks for a wonderful post. I would like to use this circuit for personal purposes. May I know whether this circuit diagram is licensed? Please lemme know if I have to obtain any rights.
how can i increase the power with this circuit
hey can u tell me the model number or the name of the transformer u r using in the circuit
hii arup ,, the wproblem is same as discusd in aboce comments my bat is nt killing mosquitoes any more . i checked my battery supply its 3.5 V . also my transistor is working fine coz m getting supply to output capacitor but in my output section i am getiing only 180 V
what should i change whether the capacitor or transformer .
please reply as early as possible.
i purchased a mosquito was working properly before it fell its not working..what should i do to make it work? plz give a solution.. i want to repair it.
Thank you
hi, i want to know specifically what do the voltage increases, the capacitors in series? the winding is also used for this purpose?
sir what is the rating of transformer used in this circuit. i need to replace it because it got burn off
Hai, Pls help me... Squirrels are spoiling my rose plants every day.. I just want to scare them or kill them. Let me know any circuit that can serve my purpose. Thanks in advance.
hi Arup,
i hv several spoilt or non-performing mosquito bats,
can i just use only the capacitors and connect to the bat and use it?
i am using 5+ volts cellphone chargers and i am using a few as permanent traps in the room.
if possible pls include a circuit diagram.
Hi, Arup I hope ur feedbacks was nice, now i have new problem in my mOsquito bat that is,
When i pressing push button there is a Sound from Transformer which was heavier than normal sound, at that time there is only slight discharging spark is there, mosquito escapes from the net....Tell me exactly what do in the circuit and what problem?????
Can u give me a circuit for an inverter to produce high voltage from 6 v with some other kind of transformer???