LA4446 is of similar series IC as LA4440, but it is meant for dual or stereo 5.5Watt RMS outputs.
While 4440 gives 6Watt outputs at dual mode, this gives almost same but with much smaller package size.
The IC package is mall but it provides same functionality and special features like LA4440. These are,
- Low pop noise at power ON/OFF time
- Good ripple rejection: 46dB(typ)
- Good channel separation
- Low residual noise (Rg=0)
- On chip protectors as Thermal protector, Overvoltage/Surge Protector, and pin short protector
The below circuit is the application circuit of LA4446 IC.
The parts in the above diagram are,
- C1,C2=47uF/10V
- C3,C6=100uF/10V
- C4,C8=10uF/10V
- C5,C7=470uF/10V
- R1,R2=100E@1/4Watt
- Speaker=20Watt PMPO or 5Watt RMS.
Sample diagram of LA4446 based audio amplifier circuit. You could construct the circuit easily on a Veroboard or strip board without much difficulty.
Have you some suggestion or question ? Just leave comments, I'll be happy to talk about it.
Hi sir i am made LA4446 stereo amp,but sound out put i get only 1 point,and the buzzing problem hasbeen shon. plz plz help me now what i do
Check each and every capacitor and connections. For buzzing problem, use a filtered supply, battery will be best.
4440ic and 4558jrc0058t please sarket hove hi fi power mo o9417812056 india punjab please back coll sir jee
Sir plz help me to add bass and treble controls in this ckt
Sir can i use 4446 ic instead of 44401 ic
Hi Dipak, you can use a 4446 IC instead of 4440 IC in your own audio amplifier circuit, but it's not a replacement for ready made boards from market.
Can you add the Bass-Treble circuit? It's very important.
Thanks for sharing.
whats the value of C9??
I made the same circuit, one channel is okay while the other is just buzzing. kindly advise what to do.. thanks
Which IC compare o 4445 and 4446 audio and bass. Which compare STK. I want buy new audio system only 4445 and 4446 and STK like