Here I demonstrate a easy PCB making with non-expensive materials. Normally homemade PCB requires Copper laminate board, Ferric chloride, Resist(Most hobbyists use Toner transfer that requires Hot Iron, PC and laser printer), drill with 1/16 drillbit, resist remover, etc…
I’m doing here a little different method. This method allows to omit the use of computer, as no printing needed.
Here I demonstrate using a simple PCB of LED flasher circuit that is a popular and easy circuit by two transistors. For my topic being PCB making, I’ll not discuss much about the flasher circuit, you Google for it if you want to know about it.
We need the following,
2.Small piece of Copper laminate board (about 1”/1” here in this case)
3.A teaspoon Ferric chloride solution. (Manage it from chemistry lab)
4.Eraz-ex correction fluid(comes with fluid and diluter) as resist, no need of PC and laser printer.(Collect it from office)
5.Rubber gloves to protect our hands from stainy Ferric chloride, Sponge piece(to apply chemical).
6.Pin-Nail and hammer for PCB drilling, no need of expensive drills and drill-bits.
First, we make a simple design of the PCB in our drawing book, We need to think about the connections, rails, points, and components size.
Then, We make the connection layout by Eraz-ex in the clean grease-free copper clad piece. We need to make the dots thick enough as it would be pierced by thick nail, not a thin drillbit.Now we apply a teaspoon amount of ferric chloride to the ready to etch Copper laminate piece.We use rubber gloves to protect our hand from stains and use a sponge piece for applying the solution.
Then we keep that for about 5 minutes, and the naked copper is etched.
Next, we wash the PCB and use the diluter provided with eraz-ex to remove the resist(No special resist remover liquid needed). This makes the PCB layout ready.
Now, to make holes for components pin, we use hammer and chair-pin or small pin-nail. This eliminates the need of costly drill machine.
After holes are ready, we solder components and test the circuit. As we can see, this flasher is working now.
Can i use venegar and hydrogen peroxide with some salt as etchant.How long the process may take.
I have heard of that, but never used that etchant... I only do with ferric chloride...