Push-pull applications makes a more reliable waveform output than that of a flyback converter. Thus it can be used. The below circuit have a push-pull transformer, with two Switching transistors, whose base feedback is collected from the transformer itself (self oscillating).
This one has output power of upto 18Watt stated at 12V, though we can see the output is coupled by a series capacitor/diode here.The transformer has 5 lines at input section. Central connector goes to +VE supply, through a L1 inductor coil. It absorbs the spikes due to the switching of transformer.
L1 should be 10mH to 100mH wit ferrite core. There two power stage pins, and two feedback goes to each of transistor’s collector, base.
The initial base feeding is done by a 220 Ohm resistor to the base of any of the transistor, having a capacitor of 104(0.1uF) to the other transistor. This technology can be used for similar CFL lighting/ mobile charging etc applications which does rectify the input power to DC.
The most advantage of this circuit is that this circuit glows CFL even at huge battery discharge. Experiments show, Light stays till battery voltage goes down to 5V. It’s not safe to run appliances upto that discharge level, as that would lead ‘sulphation’ to the battery plates.
Here is used D880 or 1351 transistor for a output of 18Watt, but similarly we can use 2N3055 transistor in this setup with a big transformer to make output of upto 100W.
Front side of the PCB
Back side of the PCB
The cost of whole parts is low compared to the total setup cost, We can arrange parts for it within 40 rupees to 80 rupees for quality, And the total kit is normally sold in spare parts shop at 60~150. (Appx 1.3~3 USD)
dear sir
in need tranformer detail plz send
You can buy new transformer at around 10-15Rs.
1> What is the configuration of this transformer? What name I have to tell the shopkeeper to buy that?
2>What is the configuration of the Inductor L1?
3> You have missed the big polyester capacitor used in the completed circuit shown in the middle.Whats the value of that?
Thanks in Advance!
ready 12V cfl ckt buy me . Rs is 22 rupees.
mr. tanvir pls tell me how i can buy cfl circuit 12v 18 w cfl i want this circuit i will buy pls send me details
Hi Friend.. if you need help plz call me 9798995715.
i am interested with electronics.
after the changing of transitor D880 the CFL driver is not able to glow the cfl but charging the mobile i also change the 104
Check the output capacitor.
i am confused a little, the cfl is rated for 200-240 volts ac and 50/60 Hz than how this circuit is lighting the cfl on 12v 'DC'..
We are generating high voltage for the CFL from a 12V battery using this circuit.
1> What is the configuration of this transformer? What name I have to tell the shopkeeper to buy that?
2>What is the configuration of the Inductor L1?
3> You have missed the big polyester capacitor used in the completed circuit shown in the middle.Whats the value of that?
Thanks in Advance!!!!!
Ask them for CFL inverter transformer.
L1 should be 10mH to 100mH inductor with ferrite core.
Are you referring to the green one? It's 0.1uF or 104 and is connected between the collectors of the two transistors.
Thanks for your reply..
No not the Green cap its ceramic capacitor.
I am talking about the config about the big Blue Electrolytic capacitor at the left.What's the value??
Oh. That's just a 100uF/25V capacitor across the 12V line and GND. It's just for filtering purpose. If your setup is close to the battery, you don't need to use it.
hie...can u plz tell what's the whole circuit called and what type of oscillator is formed in this circuit...also whats the use of the core used.
This is a push pull voltage boosting circuit, and the core is used in the transformer to allow easy flow of magnetic field and waves from the primary to secondary coil.
At which frequency is the circuit working?
It is working in the range of few thousand kiloHertz.
Arup can you tel me the transistor number which is used in 6 volt alfa circuit for 6w x 2 tube
Probably D880.
Hi Arup,
I didn't find the either 1351 or d880. Please can you suggest any equivalent transistor which is easily available in the market.
I don't know but you can ask the shopkeeper by describing the application.
hai ,
i have 40w inveter circuit it is not able to light up 14w CFL and i am able to light up only up 11w so what might be the problem with. circuit
Use low power factor CFLs i.e, whose PF<0.50
i have 40w inverter circuit which is not able to light up above 11w CFL, like 14 or 18watt CFL's, circuit is using 1351 TRansistors, can u tell me the reasons or components which might be the problem
It's probably not 40W one. 40W ones come with bigger transistors like 2N3055, and not 1351.
pls tell me whre i can buy this cfl circuit if 12v 18 watt cfl thanks wait here
From local shops, or from me.
can i buy transistors from u???
name of diode sir jee plz send me... may i use IN4007 for this circuit?
name of diode sir jee plz send me… may i use IN4007 for this circuit?
Plz reply me sir.. jee
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