When A6283 audio amplifier is used in stereo mode, it can give output power upto maximum 10Watt after copuling. This amplifier is capable to run easily upto 4inch woofers. Normally oval 2.5? speaker woofers are run by this IC.
The main reasons for using A6283 is it’s features:
This amplifier kit can be used in any audio amplifier, including FM, MP3-USB player, CD/DVD, DTH, Tape, Car stereo, TV etc…….
The indicative operational circuit below.
A circuit board made by this ic is shown below. This is a very useful amplifier for use in stereo portable application and projects. A 2? by 2? by 0.1? heatsink is required in this setup.
The cost of this circuit is very low. The I.C costs 30/- (original), and 12~15/-(duplicate). Total 7 electrolytic capacitors costs 14~21/-, 4 ceramic capacitors costs 2~4/-, 6 resistor(1/4w) costs 1.5~2/-. We take the cost of veroboard piece 5/-, so total cost stands 34.5~77/- only.Again I say, this is very useful in use in portable applications.
Cost in USD is 0.75~1.5$ only.
Note: Use 12Volt 1Amp power supply for this.
Arup Thanks for your circuit
i am getting a buzzing sound even when input is not given
And to control the volume where should i use pot
Thanks in advance for answer
Can i use cd player ic board for making cell phone audio amplifier...
Hi Arup, Could you please post a BTL version of this amplifier?. i mean bridge amplifier.
Thanks in advance.
CD6283CS Circite Diagram Show All Parts name clearly input
I dont understand audio in wair
can you please send me the ckt for a6283. in stereo mode.....for having 10W
please help me my ctcl810 ic amplifier give me bad sond e like gha dhak dhak
I am interested in rf ckt. And high voltage ckt.
i thought of adding led lights to the 6283 board and unknowingly while measuring voltage using voltmeter i placed the probes over last two pins of ic i heard a strange buzz from speaker and the music i was listening was gone what might be the problem ? has the ic gone or speakers gone
thanks for your reply in advance
Nice design! But does the circuit exactly work?
Can we connect 6283 in bridge mode like 4440?
anybody here??????????????
The original author is currently busy, what are you looking for ?
sir i have 1230 ic board that is the 120w only volume is given.. bass nd treble not given.. nd 2nd question-is this ic board best for high bass. 3rd qst-what type volume use on it 22k or 47k or etc.. ans me about this 3 question.. help me
Man frankly speaking, I've not even touched that IC, so I don't want to preach you about it just based on what I know from the web.
There are some dedicated forums for audio related circuits, you should try them. Anyway best of luck and sorry for late reply.
i was more expectations from u.. ok sir, dont wry.. i will handle it..
in bridge mode 2 X TDA 6283 had used but one ic "IC 1"had got terrible sound and another ic"IC 2" had smooth sound .And then i can change the output signal "IC 1" had smoothly play but "IC 2" had terrible sound.pls help me
Hi Siva, it's difficult to say why it's happening, you should check the input side capacitors and resistors.
hello sir,
I'm new in project making. I have a speaker rated as 4 ohms (min 40 watt and max 300 watt)
what its means??
That means your speaker's impedance(not just DC resistance) at 200-10,000Hz(roughly) is 4 ohms, a powerful speaker.
Ignore min 40watt and max 300watt, for audio application, 40watt is pretty high.
Hello, sir my question is that I m using 6382 audio amplifier kit., can it works in 5v supply... And my speaker is also low Watt... Can it work.....
One more question this board needs 12 v supply from where I give this supply....
Plz reply fast.... Sir
Hi Amit, if you're planning to run it on 5V, it will run, but output power will be less than 1W.
To drive a low watt speaker, you should use a TDA2822 based amplifier, total cost will be less than Rs.20. https://www.circuitsdiy.com/miniature-usb-powered-amplifier-circuit-for-laptops/
For a 12V supply, you could use a 12-0 transformer with diode and capacitor or a 12V lead-acid battery.