When A6283 audio amplifier is used in stereo mode, it can give output power upto maximum 10Watt after copuling. This amplifier is capable to run easily upto 4inch woofers. Normally oval 2.5? speaker woofers are run by this IC.
The main reasons for using A6283 is it’s features:
This amplifier kit can be used in any audio amplifier, including FM, MP3-USB player, CD/DVD, DTH, Tape, Car stereo, TV etc…….
The indicative operational circuit below.
A circuit board made by this ic is shown below. This is a very useful amplifier for use in stereo portable application and projects. A 2? by 2? by 0.1? heatsink is required in this setup.
The cost of this circuit is very low. The I.C costs 30/- (original), and 12~15/-(duplicate). Total 7 electrolytic capacitors costs 14~21/-, 4 ceramic capacitors costs 2~4/-, 6 resistor(1/4w) costs 1.5~2/-. We take the cost of veroboard piece 5/-, so total cost stands 34.5~77/- only.Again I say, this is very useful in use in portable applications.
Cost in USD is 0.75~1.5$ only.
Note: Use 12Volt 1Amp power supply for this.
Bro will you please tell the wiring of this AMP it'll be very helpfull. Input , out put then power supply!
Thanks In advance
Look at the circuit, you'll understand.
how can i include bass and treble in this circuit ?
Thank you Mr Arup Nice info .
Have a good day
I'm using this board to amplify the audio output from my mobile , but at higher volume the sound gets distorted. what can i do to solve this ? Please help me.
My usual recommendation: Use higher rated power supply.
capacitor valu of 'cin'
Cin is only to reject DC inputs and allow AC inputs. You can use 1uF capacitor.
I am using power supply from 12v 1amp transformer , but still the output distorts . Should i use any additional circuits to get rid of this ?
12V 1Amp means 12Watts. If you have speaker load within 10watts then it's fine. Check if there is any voltage fluctuations on the board when you increase volume. Also add a 1000uF+0.1uF capacitor near the IC's supply and ground pins to remove noise coming from power supply.
hlo sir.. i want to be a amp for 12 inch two woofer ..so plz tell me which is the best ic or audio circuit for me.. i need crstyal clear voice nd high bass..plz tell me
It depends on many thing like the supply voltage, power source, woofer's impedance. I think a TDA2030A based amplifier suits best for your purpose. Here > https://www.circuitsdiy.com/tda2030a-amplifier-circuit-used-in-home-theaters/
thx .. but i hv one more question.. i have a 4440 ic board.. it is common in market.. i want use another double ic... i have 12 inch woofer with big magnet.. rply me once again plZ.
Here you go, https://www.circuitsdiy.com/la4440-audio-amplifier-in-bridge-mode/ , best of luck.
You're going to need a solid power supply or a lead-acid battery to drive your 12" subwoofer.
ok arnab sir.. thx.. i will find out...
hlo arnab sir..i bought a 4440 ic 80w .. i add this circuit in DVD player.. explain its circuit and specification.. plz help me..
What kind of information you're seeking ? Connections ?
hlo sir.. now i collect a 1230 ic 120w readymade plate .. i fitted this in dvd..i conect it with ac to dc voltage with diode..other conection is pending.. its ok.. is this 1230 ic good..
I Want To Make this amp i have cd6283cs ic.. i just want 2 knw how much value potentio meter i should use at input... n wht is the value of input capacitor's.. an how about adding Bass N Trible Circuit in this project?? can you Help Me With This?
can I use 6283 in bridge mode?if possible what's the changes.made in this ckt
will 18 vdc , 0.5 amp pw supply work.
If there any bass treeble circuit with it
I am using 2 pcs 3inch woofer with a single 6283 ic. Whats the power supply of transformer that i can use. Please help me.
can you please give me the circuit diagram of this op-amp
it will be very helpful to me because i am in 1st year of b.tech & i want to make this circuit badly.
Audio amplifier is considered as an important element of audio tracks that document the equipment. The audio amplifier is basically designed to get used to play the audio tracks from bands. The amplifier collects all the energy that must be carried out to develop an ideal look. It often consists of circles, with the vitality of the first use of its lines, to increase the collective purpose of using the recent output seems to be initiated immediately to the speakers. '
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can i use 6-watt speaker on its output
You can play music in your car though almost any system, but if you want something that sounds amazing, you are going to want to spend a little cash to get it right. There are many car audio systems from which to choose, and what you need will depend on your budget and you car or truck. You may think it’s cool to have woofers in your trunk, but what if they fill up your entire trunk? For some people, they don’t care about trunk space; they just care about hearing what they want to hear out of car audio systems.`
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Hi arup, i have quary. Can i use d dvd output as input of this circuit.
And what will b d overall cost of dis circuit?
Plz reply