When A6283 audio amplifier is used in stereo mode, it can give output power upto maximum 10Watt after copuling. This amplifier is capable to run easily upto 4inch woofers. Normally oval 2.5? speaker woofers are run by this IC.
The main reasons for using A6283 is it’s features:
This amplifier kit can be used in any audio amplifier, including FM, MP3-USB player, CD/DVD, DTH, Tape, Car stereo, TV etc…….
The indicative operational circuit below.
A circuit board made by this ic is shown below. This is a very useful amplifier for use in stereo portable application and projects. A 2? by 2? by 0.1? heatsink is required in this setup.
The cost of this circuit is very low. The I.C costs 30/- (original), and 12~15/-(duplicate). Total 7 electrolytic capacitors costs 14~21/-, 4 ceramic capacitors costs 2~4/-, 6 resistor(1/4w) costs 1.5~2/-. We take the cost of veroboard piece 5/-, so total cost stands 34.5~77/- only.Again I say, this is very useful in use in portable applications.
Cost in USD is 0.75~1.5$ only.
Note: Use 12Volt 1Amp power supply for this.
good people, i have GD25Q16PCP integrated circuit, will it work if i use it to make an Amplifier ?
That's an SPI NOR flash IC, used as a ROM storage, you can't make amplifier out of it.
Just keep it for future, if you're planning to learn advanced digital electronics and embedded systems.
can i input 3.5mm jack in this circuit.. if yes nd how?,??
Hi Jass,
You may find this project useful..
hlo sir, thx for reply.
that speaker project is good but i need more wattage .. i try to connect two 4inch car woofer nd four 3inch speaker.. same as 4.1 chanel home theatre system.
U didn't use thik ic to drive those typesof speaker,for that u have to use 4440 ic,check the 4440 amplifier circuit
good yar
I made this circuit few months ago and perfectly worked but sometime its stopped working. the ic got to hot and the sound became noisy and distorted with 4inch speaker 12v 2ah battery I placed and voltage regulater be ic input and battery
Hello shankar,u have to use a heat shink on ic, otherwiseotherwise extreme heat will damaze ur ic or distored ur output sound
It is a low power amplifier
how much current required for this audio amplifier
At least 1 Amp, 2 amps or more supply current will result in less distortion, hence better sound quality.
Thank you big brother arnab for replying on my question.
And giving me the solution and making me fearless.